Dc6900 Artist: Watson Karise Stone: Springstone H:136 cm / 53.54 in PRICE: $6,500 USD
Full Category: Large sculptures & Master series
Waiting Bride
Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/waiting-bride-2/
Feeling Nude
Dc6611 Artist: Samuel Masakwa Stone: Springstone H: 140 cm / 55.12 in PRICE: $7,250 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/feeling-nude/
Lonely Dancer
Mv440 Artist: Stephen Murenza Stone: Opal H: 190 cm / 74.80 in PRICE: $10,900 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/lonely-dancer/
The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life
Mv439 Artist: Stephen Murenza Stone: opal H: 200 cm / 78.74 in PRICE: $11,650 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/the-origin-of-life/
Listening of the Lessons of Life
Mv1435 Artist: Wimbai Ngoma Stone: Springstone H: 122 cm PRICE: $3,350 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/listening-of-the-lessons-of-life/
The Flower Of Love
Mv2239 Artist: LUXON KARISE Stone: Springstone H: 93 cm/36.61″ PRICE: $3,700 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/the-flower-of-love/
My Potential is Real
Mv246 Artist: SHAIBU KANYEMBA Stone: Springstone H: 270 cm/106.30″ PRICE: $21,500 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/my-potential-is-real/
MV3181 Artist: COLLEN MADUWAPERA Stone: Opal H: 105 cm/ 41.34" PRICE: $5,270 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/meditating-2/
Mv819 Artist: WITNESS BONJISI Stone: Cobalt H: 113cm/44.49" PRICE: $5,690 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/two-alike819/
Shona Chief
Dc6985 Artist: TENDAI DODZO Stone: Serpentine H: 109 cm/42.91" PRICE: $15,900 USD
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Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/shona-chief-mv6985/