Full Category: Traditional animals


7000 $200

By Cephas Gemu
Made of cobalt stone
L: 17 cm . 6.69" 

$140 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/hippo-18/


6197 $210

By Cephas Gemu
Made of cobal stone
L: 17 cm . 6.69" 

$140 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/hippo-17/


6028 $195

By Cephas Gemu
Made of Verdite stone
L: 11 cm . 4.33" 

$100 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/hippo-11/



By Cephas Gemu
Made of Verdite stone
H: 9 cm . 3.54" 
                     195 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/frog-2/


Duck Mv6021 $540

By Stephen Murenza
Made of serpentine stone
H: 24 cm . 9.44" 
                         540 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/duck-2/


Owl Dc5597

By Sidney Magenwa
Made of springstone
H: 42 cm . 16.53" 
     1,200 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/owl/


Fish Mv6140

By Edward Chijumane
Made of cobalt stone
L: 32 cm cm . 12.59" 
      590 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/fish-7/


Fish Mv6110

By Edward Chijumane
Made of cobalt stone
H: 14 cm . 5.51" 
          340 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/fish-6/


Deer Mv2630

By Charles Chineya
Made of springstone
H: 32 cm . 12.59" 
            490 USD

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NOTE: Set your offer to provide the shipping cost if required. Please sent complete name, zip code and country in order to valid your offer.

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/deer/

Abstract Elephant

Abstract Elephant Mv7242

By Richard Banda
Made of fruit serpentine stone
H: 25 cm . 9.84" 
       640 USD

More Info

Contact muvezi.gallery@gmail.com for shipping cost information, please sent complete name, zip code and country.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.muvezi.com/abstract-elephant-5/

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